Ewenity Farm Merchandise

Here you will find other businesses, people, and other organizations who have expressed a desire to help the rescue through products and services. Please note: we do not create, design, or sell anything. The products shown below come from the sources listed above. We do not profit from these sales. Instead, the businesses and people listed below have agreed that a portion of all proceeds will be donated to Ewenity Farm to help fund the rescue. If you would like to make a donation instead, there is a link above. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you!

Andi B’s Boutique has designed and produced a large selection of T-Shirts and hoodies just for Ewenity Farm! They sell for a very reasonable price and a portion of the sale price is donated to Ewenity Farm. The more they sell, the more dogs we can save! Click on the link above to visit the store. Below are just a few examples.